Friday, 24 June 2016

W8 T2 reflection


For numeracy this week I've been learning to use five times facts to work out four,six,and seven times facts.I found this easy because I'm good at 5 times tables.

Word Work

These are  my silly sentences I found this easy because they weren't hard to think of. Next week I think I can do longer sentences.


For reading this week I've been trying to work out answers to the questions. I found this hard because the sentences didn't make sense. 


For writing this week I've been learning to use high level punctuation the  highlighted words are my punctuation.I found this easy because I had already thought of it.

Friday, 17 June 2016

W7 T2 reflection


For literacy this week I've been learning to do high level punctuation. 


For numeracy this week We have been learning to use two times facts to work out three, four, six, and eight times facts.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

W6 T2 Reflection


This week at our school two people from shanty town came to visit us we learned about New Zealand's history and did a we show about it.


For numeracy this week I've been working on turning subtraction into addition to work out the answer. 


This week for reading I had to do 5w's from an article from kiwi kids news. The 5w's are were did the event take place? When did it happen? Who did it effect? 

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Boyz rule secret agent heroes 30bc

This week for 30bc I read this book it's called Boyz rule secret agent heroes.

Genre-It is an adventurous book
Summary-It's about two boys who pretend to be secret agents.
Review-I think it is a cool book and series. I would recommend this to my friend Ry because he is adventurous. 

Friday, 3 June 2016

Week 5 reflection

This week we have been doing a newspaper report.

We have also been doing some math's.