Friday, 26 July 2019

Fiancal literacy

WE are learning how to know how to read and write amounts of money in Te Reo Maori.


  1. Kia Ora I am Mykiala from yaldhurst model school.
    I liked this blog post it told me about te reo maori.
    I think you should work on telling us why you have done this blog.
    Why is te reo maori inportemed do you know?

    Mykiala YMS

  2. Hi I am Lucas from yaldhurst model school I like your blog it is really interesting. You taught me something new today.

  3. Kia ora layken I am Jonathon and I am a year 6 from yaldhurst model school.I like your blog as it is interesting and it taught me a lot. Before you put the slide on you could tell us a bit about what you blog post will be about.

    great Job.

    Yours sincerely Jonathon.

  4. Kia ora Layken, I'm Amelia from Yaldhurst Model School.

    I liked the way you put what the coins are in maori. Also the prices of things.

    This reminded me of another post about financial literacy that was by someone else.

    To improve, you could always add more colour and fonts. Also maybe some transitions.

    Why did you do a quiz?

    Bye Layken!

    -Amelia 😉

  5. Kia ora, I'm Zahrah from Yaldhurst Model School. My favourite part was when you added lots of different photos. Did you think about putting backgrounds. Next time, you could add diccerations!

    Regards Zahrah

  6. Hi Layken Hi Tyler I'm Michaela from yaldhurst model school
    when did you learn to say that and can you say anything other them money.
    I do not know know how to speak that language. why is the writing saw big.
    kind regards


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